Liya Zhu

Liya Zhu

Welcome to my world where creativity and computation converge.

Today, I embrace my dual identity as a visual and installation artist, weaving technology and aesthetics into compelling narratives.

Bachelor's Degree: Industrial Design, CQJTU (BE)
Master's Degree: Creative Computing, UAL (MSc)

Python JavaScript UE5 Touchdesigner
Fall in Lava

Fall in Lava

Creation Period: January 2024 - February 2024
Collaborators: Liya Zhu, Yuang Xue, Shu Li
Exhibited at: The Hub

This project explores the relationship between human emotions and interactive media. It features a large-scale installation that reacts to the viewer's presence and movements, creating a dynamic and immersive environment.

Fall in Lava

Blooming Brushstrokes

Creation Time: June 2024
Personal Project: Liya Zhu

By using OpenCV for gesture recognition and connecting to KREA AI, air painting is possible, allowing you to generate floral images based on your drawings. When you raise your index and middle fingers, you enter the selection mode where you can choose colors and the eraser. When you raise only your index finger, you can draw traces. You can see that with each stroke, a different floral image is generated based on the drawing.

Python Machinelearning